Monday, December 31, 2007

U-Tsu-Shi-O-Mi – virtual image and robot combine

This virtual humanoid was on display at ASIAGRAPH 2007 in Akihabara (Tokyo) from October 12 to 14. This is a humanoid robot using virtual reality for its image. You put on special headset and then interact with the robot. The image can change to be different people as you interact with it. You can even touch so that you can feel and see the “person” you are interacting with. The virtual image moves with the robot so that what you see is in sink with what you feel. This could definitely make some drastic changes in online gaming, and virtual sex.

NTT DoCoMo brings together the sensing and control systems of space robots, the humanoid robot design, mixed-reality systems, and 3D graphics in creating U-Tsu-Shi-O-Mi. The idea is that eventually we will be able to buy a sophisticated humanoid robot, overlay the computer graphics of Fred Astire or Ginger Rogers and go dancing.

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